Why is it that Fall (and fall like weather) always turns my heart towards home?? It makes me want to be a better mother, wife, cook, homemaker, etc. I want to burn candles and decorate just so my family feels welcome and loved! I want to bake desserts and other homemade meals. I LOVE the feeling that fall brings with it! I'm just thankful I don't have to look at fall as the time of year I send my kids back to school. Instead, I can look at it as a time of year to make even more memories WITH them!
I loved this. As homeschoolers, we look forward to this season as a time of building memories, teaching minds, guiding hearts and loving little ones.
The sound of leaves scuttling across the sidewalk is akin to the pitter-patter of little feet. The smell of baked apple pie smells like home. The sound of laughter in the midst of housework eases the burden. The disagreements we settle with Biblical wisdom are opportunities to turn their hearts toward a Living God. The reading aloud of a book is a memory being made. The sound of a piano playing is the manifestation of discipline and beauty. The scratching of pencils on paper is the sweet sound of perseverance. And the hugs and kisses in the middle of the day are the invaluable reminders that we the only mother they have.

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