The blog is moved, the new year is beginning, and I'm turning over a new leaf. Or maybe an old one.
With the hard work out of the way, the easier task of writing and sharing can once again begin. I am still in a bit of transition, so some things to watch for:
2. If you experience any kinks in any area of this blog, please send me an email and let me know so
3. If you are not yet subscribed via email, now is a great time to do so! I am not a great Tweeter or Facebook page updater, or Instagrammer (yes, I had to double that m), so the best way to stay caught up with my posts is to simply sign up to have them delivered directly to your inbox. Funny how email is starting to seem old-fashioned. I don't post super often, I never share your email with anyone (no offense, but no one is exactly banging down my door begging for your email address), and I never email offers (because I don't have any) or anything else annoying. (Well, you may be annoyed by my rants, my lamentations, and my metaphorical ramblings, but if that's the case, you probably aren't reading this in the first place.)
I use parenthesis, commas, series, run sentences, and fragments when I'm excited...can you tell? It's the cutting up and stretching out of sentences, the obsession with the English language, and the intentional refusal to conform...even to grammar rules, apparently, which are usually something about which I can be rather picky.
So I'm a hypocrite, too.
Welcome back, welcome for the first time, glad you are here, and hello 2014!

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