As I was scrolling through the pictures, I began to wonder why I am so enthralled with mountains. What is it about the high peaks that cause my head to spin and my knee to bend? Then it hit me...
Because they make me feel small.

The mountains put me in my place. In a flesh-ridden body that is continually self-seeking, self-fulfilling and self-worshipping, I am pushed low.
Have you ever tried to take a picture of something enormously amazing, but in your camera it continues to look insignificant? I have countless pictures of mountains...but it isn't until you take one with a person in the shot that you see the enormity of God's creation.
Perhaps it is the same with God's redeemed and their Redeemer.
Could it be that the height of God's glory can't be known until it's revealed through the lives of tiny, insignificant us? That perhaps the full weight of His majesty isn't clear until a picture is taken with us standing alongside?
Next to this Landscape so Wondrous, we look tiny and...dare I say it...insignificant? Isn't that the point of a Christ-centered life?
Now, don't get me wrong. He doesn't need us. To be sure it is we who need Him.
It is I who need to embrace this God who was made low for my sake. This God who created the mountains that reach toward the heavens and the valleys that cascade down deep. This God who traded His crown of Glory for one of thorns. It is I who need the God whose tomb is empty and who has made me whole.
Could it be, however, that His glory is only truly manifest in the lowliness of His creation?
And just as I walk alongside the mountain, highlighting the glory of its, too, I walk hand in hand with a humility magnifying this God-Man come down.
And there it more reason to bow low, self-deny, and take up our cross. To take part in the glorification of this God of creation...the God who created these peaks that caress the's the pinnacle of all our reasons.

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